The Beetle Killing Our Trees.
Emerald Ash has become a major problem for Ash Tree`s in eastern North America. Professional arborists have been seeing them invading Ash trees since 2002 with no end in sight. These pests originate from Asia and have found a new dwelling in the Ash trees found in residential yards and forests. The Emerald Ash Borer insect is invasive and dangerous, it burrows into the bark of the tree and leaches the nutrients from the tree over time killing it and making the area unsafe.
Facts About The Emerald Ash Borer:
Only attracted to ash trees
Although there are treatments it is not recommended
It only takes 6 years for an infestation to kill 99% of a woodlot
The infestations are continuously spreading further north of the GTA
Urban areas are mostly affected
The most effective solution is to remove the tree